Many wonderful items to choose from this week!
sweet peppers
storage onions
cherry tomatoes
spaghetti squash
ground cherries
summer squash
slicing cucumbers
chard (freshly cut as always)
green beans
Herbs etc.: hot peppers and freshly cut parsley.
Full Shares got: 2 lbs tomatoes, 1.5 lbs sweet peppers, 1 lb storage onions, 1/2 pt cherry toms, 2 spaghetti squash and could choose 3 from the choice list: 1/2 lb ground cherries, 1.5 lbs beets, 1 lb carrots, 3 pcs summer squash or zucchini, 2 slicing cukes, 5 leeks, 1 bunch chard, 1 bag green beans, 1 head cabbage, 2 kohlrabi. Single Shares got: 1 spaghetti squash, 1 lb sweet peppers, 2 lbs tomatoes, 1/2 pt cherry toms, 1 lb storage onions and could choose one additional item from the full share choice list. All were welcome to take hot peppers and parsley.