Week 1, 6/8/21 Everyone could take 1 head lettuce, 1 bunch kale or chard, 1 napa cabbage, 8 or 5 oz lbs rads depending on share size, 1.5 lbs or 1 lb ow onions for full and single shares respectively. Full shares could also take a bag of senposai, parsley or basil.
Week 2, 6/15/21 Full shares took 1 head lettuce, 1 head napa cabbge, 10 garlic scapes, 1 bunch hakurei turnips, kale or collards, take 2 more from 1 bunch rhubarb, 1 lb ow onions, 1/2 b rads, 1/2 dozen duck eggs, parsley or basil while basil lasted. Singles took 1 head lettuce, 1 napa cabbage, kale or collards, 1 bunch hakurei turnips, 6 garlic scapes, basil or parsley.
Week 3, 6/22/21 Everyone took a head of lettuce, a bag of kale, 6 garlic scapes. Full shares took either senposai or chard. Fulls could take 2 more and singles 1 more from 12 oz ht, 12, oz rads, 1 lb onions, 1/2 lb shallots, 2 knohlrabi. Parsley or cilantro for everyone. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 4, 6/29/21 Everyone could take 1 head lettuce, 1 head cabbage, 2 kohlrabi and 1 lb carrots. Full took 5 more and singles 2 from 1 lb onions, i lb broccoli, 12 oz rads, 12 oz hts, chard, kale, collards, 1 lb snap peas, 2 pcs summer squash/zucchini, 8 garlic scapes. Ciantro,parley or basil for everyone. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 5, 7/6/21 Everyone could take 1 lb bag snap peas, 1 head lettuce, 1 lb carrots, 3 pcs for full and 2 pcs for single summer squash/zucchini. Full took 4 more and singles 1 from cabbage, 1 lb broccoli, 12 oz rads, 12 oz ht’s, 8 garlic scapes, extra snap peas, 2 cukes while they lasted, 1 bag kale, 1 bunch chard or 2 kohlrabi. Basil or dill for all. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 6, 7/13/21 All took 1 lb bag snap peas, 1 head cabbage, 12 oz rads and 6 or more scapes. Full took 4 more and singles took one more from 1 lb broccoli, head of lettuce, 12 oz hts, 1 bunch chard, 1 bag kale, shiitake mushrooms, 3 picklers, 2 slicing cukes, 2 pcs summer squash/zucchini, 2 kohlrabi, 1 lb carrots. Herbs were basil or cilantro. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 7, 7/20/21 all took 1 head lettuce, 2 picklers and 2 slicing cukes, 3 pcs summer squash/zucchini and shiitake mushrooms. fulls took 3 more and singles 1 from 2 kohlrabi, 1 head cabbage, 6 scapes, 1 bunch beets ( limited amounts ), 1 lb carrots, bunch of rads, 1 lb snap peas, 1 bag kale, 1 bunch chard. Cilantro or basil for all. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 8, 7/27/21 Full shares took 1 head cabbage, 1 lb carrots, 3 pc summer squash/zucchini, 2 slicing and 3 pickling cukes. They could take 3 more from 1 bunch beets, 1 lb rads, i bunch chard, i bag kale, 2 kohlrabi, 1 lb bag snap peas ( while suppiles lasted ), 1 1/4 lb bag shiitakes. Singles could take 1 head cabbage, 1 lb carrots, 2 slicing and 2 pickling cukes, 3 pcs ss/z. They could take 1 more from the full share choice list. All could take one hot pepper, cilantro OR basil OR dill. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 9, 8/3/21 Both shares took 1 quart container of taters, 1 lb carrots, 3 pcs summer squash/zucchini, 2 slicing cukes. Full took 4 and singles 1 more from 2 heads cabbage, 2 kohlrabi, 1 bunch or 1 lb beets, 1 lb rads, 1 pt cherry toms ( limited supply), 1 asian eggplant (limited supply), 1 heirloom tom or 1 lb (limited supply), 4 pickling cukes, 1 bag shiitakes (13 bags), 3 leeks, 1 lb hts. All could get basil. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 10, 8/10/21 Singles took 3 ss/z, 2 slicers, 1 lb carrots and 1 lb sweet onions. Fulls took 4 summer squash/zucchini, 3slicers, 1 lb onions and carrots. Fulls took 3 more and singles 1 more from 1 lb rads, 1 lb beets, bag of collard greens, bag of chard, shiitake mushrooms, 4 picklers, 4 leeks, pt cherry toms, 1 lb slicing toms, 1 lb hakurei turnips, 1 eggplanat, 2 fennel. Basil for all if they wanted any. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 11, 8/17/21 Full and single shares all took 1 pt cherry toms, 1 qt taters, 1 lb carrots, 3 summer squash/zucchini, 2 slicing cukes. Full took 4 more and singles 1 from shiitake mushrooms, chard, 2 lbs slicing toms, 1 lb rads, 1 lb beets, 2 fennel, 1 lb sweet onions, 3 pickling cukes, 1 lb green beans, 1 eggplant, 4 leeks. Basil for all. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 12, 8/31/21 All could take 1 lb carrots, 1.5 lbs onions, 1 pt cherry toms, 1 spaghetti squash. Fulls took 5 more and singles 2 more from 1 bunch beets, 1 lb hakureis, 1 lb rads, 4 leeks, 3/4 lb peppers, 1/2 lb shishito peppers, 1 bunch chard, 1 bunch or bag collards, 2.5 lbs toms, eggplant, kohlrabi, 1 lb bag green beans, 2 lbs cukes, 3 pieces summer squash/zucchini. All could take basil or cilantro. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 13, 9/7/21 All took 2 lbs taters, 1.5 lbs onions, 2.5 lbs tomatoes, 1 lb carrots. Full took 5 more and singles 2 from 2 kohlrabi, 1lb bag green beans, collards, cabbage, 2 lbs cukes, 3 pcs ss/z, a bunch or 1 lb beets, 1 lb ht, 1 lbs rads, 1 lb peppers, 1 or 2 egplant, 1/2 lb shishito peppers, 4 leeks. Basil or cilantro for all. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 15, 9/14/21 Full took 1 or 2 ws, 2.5 lbs toms, 1 lb carrots, 1 head lettuce. Singles got the same only 1 ws. Full took 5 more and singles 2 from 2 kohlrabi, cabbage, 1 lb beets, 1 lb bag green beans, 1 or 2 eggplant, 3 pcs ss/z, 1.5 lbs cukes, 4 leeks, 1 lb bradishes, 1 lb onions, 1 lb hts, 1 lb sweet peppers, 10 oz bag collards. Basil or cilantro offered too. Fresh flowers were available for the picking.
Week 16, 9/21/21
Week 17, 9/28/21
Week 18, 10/5/21
Week 19, 10/12/21
Week 20, 10/19/21