Many wonderful items on the cart for the final three weeks of the season!
fresh ginger
fresh turmeric
fingerling potatoes
sweet potatoes
storage onions
winter squash
sweet peppers
fresh cut spinach
currant jelly
dried beans
10/6/20 All could take: 2 lbs fingerling taters, 3 garlic for full and 2 garlic for singles, 1/2 lb fresh ginger. Full shares choose 4 additional items from the following: 1 or 2 winter squash, 1 or 2 eggplant, 1 lb sweet peppers, 1.5 lbs beets, 2 kohlrabi, 2 lbs sweet potatoes, 1.5 lbs onions, 1 head cabbage, 2 lbs tomatoes, 1 lb broccoli. Single Share choose 2 from the list. Fresh cut herb: parsley for all who would like some.
10/13/20 Everyone took: 1 butternut squash, 1/2 lb ginger and 1 1/2 lbs onions. Full shares choose 5 more and singles choose 2 more from: 10 0z bag spinach (7), 1 qt fingerling potatoes, 2 lbs sweet potatoes, 1 1/2 lbs beets, 1 lb carrots, 1 head cabbage, 2 kohlrabi, 3 bulbs garlic.
10/20/20 Full shares took 3 lbs potatoes, 3 bulbs garlic, 1 jar currant jelly, 2 butternut squash. Singles got 2 lbs potatoes, 2 bulbs garlic, 1 jar jelly, 2 butternut. Full choose 4 more from: 1 lb carrots ( limited), 1 bunch beets with greens, 1 jar tiger eye beans, 2 acorn squash, 3 kohlrabi, 1 head cabbage, 6 oz turmeric, 1.5 lbs onions, 2 eggplant (limited). Singles chose 2 more from those choices.