Weeks 18-20 Main Season

Many wonderful items on the cart for the final three weeks of the season!

fresh ginger

fresh turmeric

fingerling potatoes


sweet potatoes




storage onions


winter squash


sweet peppers



fresh cut spinach


currant jelly

dried beans


10/6/20 All could take: 2 lbs fingerling taters, 3 garlic for full and 2 garlic for singles, 1/2 lb fresh ginger. Full shares choose 4 additional items from the following: 1 or 2 winter squash, 1 or 2 eggplant, 1 lb sweet peppers, 1.5 lbs beets, 2 kohlrabi, 2 lbs sweet potatoes, 1.5 lbs onions, 1 head cabbage, 2 lbs tomatoes, 1 lb broccoli. Single Share choose 2 from the list. Fresh cut herb: parsley for all who would like some.

10/13/20 Everyone took: 1 butternut squash, 1/2 lb ginger and 1 1/2 lbs onions. Full shares choose 5 more and singles choose 2 more from: 10 0z bag spinach (7), 1 qt fingerling potatoes, 2 lbs sweet potatoes, 1 1/2 lbs beets, 1 lb carrots, 1 head cabbage, 2 kohlrabi, 3 bulbs garlic.

10/20/20 Full shares took 3 lbs potatoes, 3 bulbs garlic, 1 jar currant jelly, 2 butternut squash. Singles got 2 lbs potatoes, 2 bulbs garlic, 1 jar jelly, 2 butternut. Full choose 4 more from: 1 lb carrots ( limited), 1 bunch beets with greens, 1 jar tiger eye beans, 2 acorn squash, 3 kohlrabi, 1 head cabbage, 6 oz turmeric, 1.5 lbs onions, 2 eggplant (limited). Singles chose 2 more from those choices.

Week 17 Main Season CSA September 29, 2020

Although some of our heat loving plants took a hit with this month’s early frosts, farmer Gene has a full line-up for the folks this week:

sweet potatoes










freshly cut parsley

Full shares could take 3 lbs sweet potatoes, 1 head cabbage, 1 head lettuce, 1 lb peppers and choose 3 from the following: 1 lb broccoli, 1.5 lbs onions, 1.5 lbs beets, 1 lb carrots, 7 leeks, 2 kohlrabi, 1 or 2 eggplant.Singles could take 2 lbs sweet potatoes, 1 head cabbage and 1 head lettuce and 1 lb peppers and choose one from the choice list. Parsley for all who wanted.

Week 16 Main Season CSA September 22, 2020

Here comes the winter squash and fall broccoli- Yum! This week we have:

winter squash


sweet peppers





beets with greens

freshly cut chard


lettuce ( limited )


hot peppers

Full and single shares could take: 2 winter squash, 1 lb peppers, 1 lb broccoli . Full shares got 5 additional choices and singles got 2 additional choices from: 1 or 2 eggplant, 2 lbs tomatoes, 1 lb carrots, 1 bunch beets w/greens or 1.5 lbs loose beets, 1 bunch chard, 5 leeks, 1/2 lb gc, 1 head lettuce ( limited supply ), parsley and some hot peppers too for all.

Week 15 Main Season CSA September 15, 2020

Some nice cooler weather options on the table for the folks this week. Fall frost is on its way so get those soup recipes out!







beets with greens




freshly cut chard

freshly cut parsley

hot peppers

Full shares could take 3 lbs potatoes, .5 lbs peppers, 1 head cabbage, 1 khohlrabi and 3 garlic bulbs and 3 more items from: 1.5 lbs onions, 1/2 lb beets with greens, 1 lb carrots, 1 or 2 eggplant, 5 leeks, chard. Parsley and hot peppers if you want some. Single shares could take 2 lbs potatoes, 2 garlics, 1.5 lbs peppers, 1 cabbage and 1 kohlrabi and one item from the choice list. All were welcome to get hot peppers and/or parsley

Week 14 Main Season CSA September 8, 2020

Many wonderful items to choose from this week!


sweet peppers


storage onions

cherry tomatoes

spaghetti squash

ground cherries



summer squash


slicing cucumbers


chard (freshly cut as always)

green beans

Herbs etc.: hot peppers and freshly cut parsley.

Full Shares got: 2 lbs tomatoes, 1.5 lbs sweet peppers, 1 lb storage onions, 1/2 pt cherry toms, 2 spaghetti squash and could choose 3 from the choice list: 1/2 lb ground cherries, 1.5 lbs beets, 1 lb carrots, 3 pcs summer squash or zucchini, 2 slicing cukes, 5 leeks, 1 bunch chard, 1 bag green beans, 1 head cabbage, 2 kohlrabi. Single Shares got: 1 spaghetti squash, 1 lb sweet peppers, 2 lbs tomatoes, 1/2 pt cherry toms, 1 lb storage onions and could choose one additional item from the full share choice list. All were welcome to take hot peppers and parsley.

Week 13 2020 Main Season 9/1/2020

Another full cart this week as we had:

Delicata squash

summer squash

sweet peppers


sweet onions


cherry tomatoes

slicing tomatoes

slicing cucumbers

pickling cucumbers

Hakurie turnips




ground cherries

egg plant

Asian melon (limited)


Herb: freshly cut parsley

Everyone got: 2 Delicata squash, 1.5 lbs sweet onions or 5 leeks, 1 pt cherry tomatoes, 1 lb sweet peppers

Full shares also chose 4 from the following: 1 lb Hakurei turnips, 1 lb carrots, 1 lb beets, 2 lbs tomatoes, slicing cukes, 4 pickling cukes, 3 fennel, 1/2 lb ground cherries, 4 pieces summer squash/zucchini 1 or 2 eggplant, 1 or 2 Asian melons

Single shares chose one item from the choice list.

We also had a few peaches to give out to the kids.

Week 12 Main Season 2020


What a BEAUTIFUL pick-up day! Mild temps, sturdy breeze, blue skies, a chance to chat with folks and to meet Dustin (our newest puppy member) on my last pick-up day before school resumes. As always, the summer has flown by all too quickly for me. I’m going to miss seeing everyone and look forward to catching up with all of you in the spring!

Farmer Gene outdid himself again this this week with an amazing spread that included:

potatoes (white and red)

tomatoes (cherry and slicers)

sweet peppers (red and yellow)



ground cherries

sweet Asian melons

sweet onions


fennel bulbs

log cultivated Shiitake mushrooms

Hakurei turnips

green beans

egg plant

freshly cut Swiss chard

cucumbers (slicing and pickling)

freshly cut parsley

jalapeño peppers

Full Shares: take 3 lbs potatoes, 1 pt cherry toms, 1 lb carrots, 3 garlic bulbs and then choose 5 items from the following: 1 lb sweet peppers, 1 lb beets, 1 lb hakurei turnips, 1 lb green beans, 1 bunch chard, 4 pieces summer squash and/or zucchini, 2 slicing cukes, 4 pickling cukes, 3 fennel bulbs, 1 lb sweet onions, 1/2 lb ground cherries, 1/4 lb shiitake mushrooms, 2 lbs slicing tomatoes .Single shares : take 3 lbs potatoes, 1 pt cherry toms, 1 lb carrots, 3 garlic bulbs and then choose 2 items from the choice list. Herb for all: Parsley and hot peppers

Week 11, 2020 Main Season


A nice selection this week with many things to choose from. We had:

acorn squash

beets with greens

melon (cantaloupe and asian)


sweet onions

tomatoes (cherry and slicing)

log cultivated Shiitake mushrooms (limited quantaties this week)

cucumbers (slicing and pickling)


Hakurei turnips

freshly cut chard

green beans




summer squash

sweet peppers (limited quantities this week)


jalapeño peppers

Everyone got: 1 acorn squash, 1 bunch beets with greens, 5 leeks OR 1.5 lbs sweet onions, 1 pt ( or more ) cherry tomatoes, 2 slicing cukes or 4 picklers. Full shares could take an additional 4 items from: 1 lb carrots, 1 lb hakurei turnips, melon, bunch of chard, 2 lbs slicing toms, 1 lb sweet peppers , 2-3 fennel, 3/4 lb bag green beans, 1/4 lb mushrooms ( 15 bags only ), 1 or 2 eggplant. Single shares could take 1 choice from the the choice list. Herb choice: hot peppers and parsley

Week 10 2020 CSA

8/11/2020: Well we’ve reached the half-way point in our main season and this week the table was LOADED with the following:

potatoes (red and white)

Hakurie turnips with beautiful greens

tomatoes (slicing and cherry)

eggplant (Asain and regular)


green beans

log cultivated shiitake mushrooms

summer squash



melons (Asian and cantaloupe)





peppers (sweet and hot)

chard (cut fresh)

parsley (cut fresh)

Full Shares: took 3 lbs taters, 1 bunch Hakurei turnips, 1.5 lbs carrots, 1 lb beets or radishes, 1/2 pt cherry toms. and chose 4 from the choice list: melon, log cultivated shiitake mushrooms, 5 leeks, 2-3 fennel, 3 slicing cukes, 1 lb sweet peppers, 2 lbs slicing tomatoes, 1 standard or 2 Asian eggplant, 1 lb bag green beans, 4 pieces of summer squash/zucchini, 1 lb beets or radishes, bunch of chard. Single Shares: took 2 lbs taters, 1 lb carrots, 1/2 pt cherry toms, 1 lb beets or radishes, 1 bunch Hakureis. They could choose 1 more from the full share choice list. All were welcome to take parsley or hot peppers.

Week 9, 2020 CSA

August 4, 2020

A stormy pick up day! Lot’s of goodies for our members with no “add on” fees (as always).




green beans

summer squash


beets (with greens)


cucumbers (slicers and pickling)

melon (Asian and cantaloupe)





tomatoes (cherry and slicers-just starting to come in so limited)



jalapeño peppers

Full Shares: 6 pieces summer squash/zucchini, 3 bulbs garlic, 1.5 lbs carrots, head lettuce, freshly cut herbs and choose 5 items from the “choice list”, and herbs

Single Shares: 6 pieces summer squash/zucchini, 2 bulbs garlic, 1 lbs carrots, head lettuce, freshly cut herbs and choose 2 items from the “choice list”

Choices: bunch of beets with greens, 1 lb loose beets, 1/2 lb radishes, 1.5 lbs tomatoes( limited amounts), 1/2 pt cherry tomatoes, freshly cut chard, 5 pickling cucumbers, 2 slicing cucumbers, 1 cantaloupe melon, 2 Asian melons, 4 small heads cabbage, 3-4 kohlrabi, 1 lb. bag of green beans, 2 or 3 bulbs fennel.

Freshly Cut Herbs Available: basil & parsley, we also had some hot jalapeño peppers available